Access denied error in Magento admin panel

Do you have safe credentials? Your credentials are your identity. Yes! Locking up the personal details is must in this technology world. It’s easy to grab all your things in one minute. At times, there are some situations where you get locked in using credentials.

“Access Denied” – You are not authorized to log in the panel or website. It may be because of roles assigned wrongly and entering wrong admin details mistakenly. A person who doesn’t have proper role or rights to view the page or panel is returned with the message “Access Denied”. So, you must have the proper right or permission to view the panel or website.

Most probably, users like Magento will often get messages “Access Denied”. Not only for the panel but also a custom module, you must need the right permission to access it.

In short, let us list the problems:
  • A proper role or access right should be given to the new user.
  • Entering incorrect admin panel login details.
  • Installing the extension of Magento by using the tool downloader.
Now, it’s time to fix the problem:
  • Credentials entered wrongly:
In most cases, users used to type username and password wrongly. So, ensure the login details correct or not. Check on the database, whether the details are the same or not. If not, kindly reset the credentials using the command line. For cross-checking the credentials, go to Magento database and check admin_user table. There you can see the credentials in the encrypted format. It's for safety. Encryptions will always give you hand in a tough situation.

Use the command line for resetting the password. Here’s the command line:

UPDATE `admin_user` SET `password` = MD5('PASSWORD') WHERE `username` = 'USERNAME';
  • User allotted with incorrect role:
The store owner has the only responsibility to create a new user. Creation of new user and assigning a proper role is their fine duty. To assign a proper role, log in as admin user so that, you will be assigned with all rights.

How to assign proper role?

Step 1:
In the Magento admin panel, go to system and then click on option “permission”.

Step 2: From the permission option, choose “user” and then tap on “Click on a user”.

Step 3: Select user roles.
  • New extensions with no privileges:
Using the downloader, it's easy to add a new extension for Magento. Hence, the settings for the extension are configured correctly. It doesn’t help you to fetch the extension settings automatically so, it throws error “Access Denied”.

It usually appears normal when you log in again but sometimes, it gets failed. You will get another hand from login as an admin user to reset privileges of admin.

Let us learn how to set the admin privileges:

Step 1:
In the admin panel, search for the option “System”. Tap on the option permission from the system and then click roles.

Step 2: Select the choice “Click administrator role” and then click on “Role resource”. Change it as “set it to all” and then save the role.

Note: By now, you have all the rights to change or modify the new extension.
  • Custom module issue:
There are many cases where user’s enables custom module after then accessing the admin panel. The problem is with the global configuration file of Magento such as config.xml and system.xml. Looking into deep, we found that some modules are not added up in config.xml file. Those modules are namely adminhtml and group tags.

Once if you fix the problems in config.xml and system.xml file, there won’t be any problem in a custom module.

We have countered four solutions to fix Access Denied problem. So, don’t worry in future if you get access denied problem. You are an expert now to solve it!
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