How to install imagemagick on a cPanel server ?

How to install imagemagick on a cPanel server ?

What is ImageMagick ?

It's a software suite which allows image manipulation and can read and write images in a various formats (over 100) including JPEG-2000, DPX, GIF, EXR, JPEG, PDF, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. ImageMagick is a software suite which facilitates the ability to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images. You can use ImageMagick to resize, mirror, flip, rotate, shear, distort and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.

Installation of ImageMagick is quite simple and easy. You can install it through 3 ways.

1). Installation via WHM
You can install ImageMagick through WHM by following these steps :
Login to WHM >> Under Software tab click on "Module Installers" >> Click on "manage" infront of PHP Pecl >> On the box below “Install a PHP Pecl” enter “imagick” and click “Install Now” button.

Uninstall ImageMagick :
Login to WHM >> Under Software tab click on "Module Installers" >> Click on "manage" infront of PHP Pecl >> Click "Uninstall" button in front of imagick

Restart Apache.

2). Installation Via Commandline
First, we should check whether it is already installed or not. You can check it through :
Login to SSH as root and run this command :
/usr/bin/convert --version


You can install it through this command :

3). Installation on CloudLinux installed server
In a CloudLinux installed server installing packages on the server wont reflect in these cases, there is an additional step to enable packages to users on that server. It will not be available inside CageFS. To install ImageMagick inside CageFS as follows to make those binaries available inside CageFS:

To see the list of RPMs currently installed under CageFS:
cagefsctl --list-rpm

To add a new RPM:
cagefsctl --addrpm ImageMagick

To pick up the changes:
cagefsctl --force-update
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