Cloning – This word is very familiar in medical as well as technology too! Getting a replica of a product or some other formation is said to be cloning. Technically, we used to call website replica website cloning. Why cloning is needed? For some reason, we cannot use up the original website for example if you going to do any changes to the website just cross-check with the cloned one. So, that it will bring up good results on the original website. In case, if it goes wrong in appearance or design you have an option to clear in original by taking cloning as an example.

As said, it is tough to do compatibility tests, regular updates, and blueprint creation, etc. So, better choose the website clone to perform those entire lists. Consider, website cloning as a safety measure for implementing any changes.

WordPress users have the privilege to get website cloning. Web agencies usually would have a list of WordPress hosting providers who uses multiple websites in a single account. If you have any problem with the live website, just do the cloning and fix the problem. You will find a solution using a website cloned. Try a trail to fix the problem on the cloned website and then implement it on the original website.

Sometimes, when you want to do a theme update it may affect other services too. We are here to give you some instructions for not letting down the services.
  • Have a full glance at the cloned website.
  • Do a regular theme update on the cloned website.
  • Don’t forget to carry the tests if necessary.
  • Once if all set properly, you can change the cloned website to the original website.
In what kind of instances, you are about to create a website for cloning?

Compatibility test:

All your expectations will be the components implemented on the website should work correctly. Also, the website code should have the ability to run both on the hardware as well as software. To configure the implementation of components and website code capability better do a compatibility test to identify your website performance. Testing on compatibility may result in some changes in your website so, we recommend you do a compatibility test in a cloned one. Your live website won’t be affected right!! Not only compatibility test there are also other functionalities which may affect the live website such as theme untested installation, updates on the plugin, theme implementation, changes on code, etc.

Transferring a website into a new server:

It's easy to change the website from one hosting provider account to another hosting provider account. Before doing the transformation, create a backup for database and files along with the cloned website. There are many situations when you transfer a website it may break down because of any technical issue. We are not sure about the problem so, in those situations, you can use a cloned website as a new website.

Blueprint creation:

For website creation, a blueprint plays the main role. In a location shared, the blueprints will be saved to get more tracks on the development process like configuration on themes, plugins, and customization in coding.

Website backup:

You have an option to use a cloned website for taking backup like database and files. We suggest you save the backups in an offsite location because it may help you in any disaster on the website. If you find difficulties in the creation of a cloned website try using any other plugins.

How to do manual cloning on the website?

Compression on WordPress files will help you!!!

Step 1: Go to the directory plugin_html, to do compression on folders and files present inside.

Step 2: You are the root user so login as it is. Search where the file manager is located and tap on it to select the directory plugin_html.

Step 3: You can see some folders and files present inside the directory. Select all the files and right-click on it to compress.

Step 4: The type of compression is your choice! Give a name to the compressed archive and then tap on the button “Compress File(s)”.

How to upload the file compressed?

Use SSH or FTP for uploading a compressed file into hosting location new. You would know SSH gives more performance while comparing FTP. Upload the compressed file by following the below-mentioned method:

Step 1: As a root user, log in to the hosting location newly by using SSH. Go to the folder where you want to have a copy of the compressed file.

Step 2: We want to highlight here that the folder should be empty or else move all those files to another location. Run the below command:

# rm -rf *
Step 3: A file will be displayed here so download it and unzip the zipped file.

# wget </URL/of/the/Zip/File>
# unzip <filename>.zip
Migration of database:

By now, you have uploaded all the files to another location. Now, it’s time for importing a database into a location, where all the uploaded files are added. You are exporting a database from one point and then importing it to another point. Let’s see the process of a database migration:

Step 1: Go to the database manager and then log in using your credentials.

Step 2: Go to the option “export” and then tap on the file “.sql” to download it.

Step 3: Now, go to the database manager created newly and then tap on the button “create database”.

Step 4: Go to the option “import”. Tap on the option “Choose file” and then start uploading the downloaded file “.sql”.

Wp-config.php update:

Why wp-config.php update is recommended? You have done an installation of WordPress in a new location. It is a must to ensure that the connection of files in a new location is getting connected to the database created newly.

Go to the folder “public_html” and then open the file “wp-config.php”. Add the credentials of the newly created database for getting a connection.

I hope, you are now well-known the cloning and its formation. It will help you in many cases when you are broke down with other services. Do a configuration before going for an update on your live website. The configuration we are saying about is cloning!!!!
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