Steps to enable and disable cachewall in cpanel

Steps to enable and disable cachewall in cpanel

Steps to enable and disable cachewall in cpanel

Enabling and disabling Cachewall in your cPanel can make a huge difference when it comes to website speed. So if you’re experiencing slow speed for your WordPress website, then you might need to look if Cachewall is disabled for your website among other things. In this article, we explain how to enable or disable Cachewall for your website from the cPanel account.

What is Cachewall?

If you aren’t familiar with Cachewall, then it’s a Varnish cache server. You’ll find this server placed at the entrance of Apache server.

The caches commonly accessed files in the memory. So when the application calls for these files, it is served from Cachewall rather than the core folders.

This approach of serving files from Cachewall optimizes the speed and improves the response time. Another benefit is it reduces the use of resources.

The server is supported by both CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. And you can install it both on the virtual and dedicated servers. Furthermore, Cachewall is compatible with all versions of cPanel including LiteSpeed and EasyApache versions.

Enabling/Disabling Cachewall

To enable or disable Cachewall, you need to access it from the cPanel menu and check for the settings. For this, you need to follow the following steps:

  • Log into cPanel with admin login credentials
  • Go to Software section and find the tab that reads “Cachewall”. If you haven’t installed the Cachewall, then it won’t show up. So first, you need to install Cachewall and then register at the official website.
  • Click on the Cachewall tab to access the options.
  • Inside you will see a lost of domain that your account is currently serving cache for. Diagonally, you’ll see the settings for each website.
  • You can adjust the settings for each domain or apply an universal setting.
If you want to know more about the three settings, here are what each setting mean:

File Caching

This is where you’ll find the on/off toggle option. By keeping it on, you enable caching for that particular website. So the Cachewall will keep caching web pages and files for these websites as long as they’re kept on. By default, you should always have file caching on for every website unless directed to disable.

Purge Cache

When you click on this setting, all the cached files stored are deleted permanently. In technical terms, it’s called Purging. You won’t need this setting if you’ve set the file caching to off. In such cases, the files are purged automatically.

Development Mode

When you enter development mode, the file caching is disabled automatically for 30 minutes. You only need to turn this on when you’re supposed to work on your website and configure it. Once you’re finished, disable the development mode. Your file caching should work as usual after 30 minutes.

At times, you’ll notice the caching and the website configuration are in conflict with each other. To resolve this, you need to disable the Cachewall from the Software section itself. So the file caching gets disabled for all the websites. Purge the cache and turn the Cachewall back on. This should improve your website loading speed and performance.
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