WordPress Pages categories and tags

WordPress Pages categories and tags

Have you added tags and categories to your pages in WordPress? If not! Read this article! You will get to know the procedure for adding categories and tags. Many users have a common question “why should we add categories and tags to WordPress pages?” You have more number blog posts in your WordPress. How your user will find the specific post that he or she wants? It's your responsibility to make their search easier right!

Categories and tags help them to find the post which they want to read. The important thing is categories and post is only for the post and not for pages. You need to search manually for pages but not for the post. Blog posts in WordPress have a default nature to accept categories and tags.

Category – A content set in a group

Tag – Finding specific information in the content

Step 1: Whenever you create pages in WordPress, you can’t see the option for adding tags and categories. But still, you want to do this.

Step 2: You would have a greater number of pages in WordPress. So, adding categories and tags will help you more. It helps to get a relevant page and makes your navigation easier.

Step 3: Only way to add the categories and tag is by using the plugin in WordPress. Use the plugin “Pages with category and tag” and then download it in the dashboard.

Step 4: Once installed do activation without fail. Now, go to the WordPress dashboard and tap on the menu “Pages”. There, you can see more options such as all pages, and add new, categories and tags.

Step 5: Tap on the option “Categories” to enter the name and slug. Go down to make it a parent category and then start entering the details by tapping on the button “add new category”.

Step 6: By now, you have added the category to the WordPress page. In case, if you find the category created is not relevant, you can checkbox select the “Delete” option.

Step 7: It's easy to create or edit a new page. Go to WordPress content editor to choose the category. If you are going to create a feature page then go to the category and name it a feature. So, now you have created a feature category.

Step 8: Go to the section “tag” and add the keywords one by one but don’t forget to add a comma.

Finally, update the tags and category changes without fail.

I Hope, you got the answer now right!
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