A quick brief on Magento:

Magento is open-source e-commerce software available for all types of users in the market. Many users are still lagging in getting one such feature which is more reachable in content, good functionalities, flexibility, fully occupied control and rich phenomenon. Hope, Magento will take the pride to satisfy the user’s need as per their expectation. Giving a hike to it! It is customizable in the cent. Choose the versions of Magento depends upon your choice. It will give you more flexibility and advanced features.

Components of Magento:

Yes! As expected, the software is bonded with architecture. One such type of architecture is MVC. Comparing with other software, you won’t have the flexibility to change the application look and feel but in this case you are very lucky to have an application like Magento. There is no need to work on inner logic to make changes. It's simple to access and change the look & feel ethics.

Modules of Magento:

Take a direction to app/code/ folder so that, you can see folders such as core/, community/, local/.

Core/ - Core stores the default modules in Magento.

Local/ - Here comes the lucky way! You are free to create modules on your choice.

Community/ - It describes the module designed by the community of Magento. Using an extension key, it's easy to install the module with the connecting manager of Magento.

Templates and design:

Whenever make changes in the design of Magento, it must work on the folder app/design. The designs are varied in three concepts such as adminhtml/, frontend/, install/.

Adminhtml/ - Displays administrator design.

Install/ - For installation purpose, it is used.

Frontend/ - Displays the design of storefront.

The above-listed folders consist of Magento themes. To get details on the default theme, just visit default/ folder. Again, here splits into three sections called layout/, locale/, and template/.

Layout/ - It is the location of file XML.

template/ - Here is the location of file phtml

locale/ - Location of the language files.

Magento core configurations:

For configuring core files, go to etc/folder. There you can see the file namely “local.xml”. It consists of two major information like modules/ and details of connection database. The modules are shown with declaration details.

Language files and Email template:

Check on the details for language files in a local folder. Along with the language files, there is a way to check email templates too. From the store, it's easy to set language files with sub-directory. The sub-directory holds the file called “.csv” where it is necessary for all the module installation.

For getting information on the email template, go to template/email. To get new templates, get inside an email folder to buy new templates in the folder called “sales”.


It contains the class “Mage” which binds the Magento features such as files, functions and modules. A program with Magento function is described by using the callout functions such as include or require that too, out of the Magento application. It’s must to use Mage class like getting singleton() and getModel(). Use these functionalities to get particular details on Magento modules.

Get more details on Connect Manager of Magento:

What is the big role of Connect Manager of Magento? Yes! It plays the main role to get facilitated by Magento installation update, modules and extension download.

Downloader folder: Magento connect manager starts the work with the help of core files. However, the Magento gets new update then and there; it’s a tedious work to manage all together in one. Users won’t take a will to give update frequently. Instead, go for below-mentioned option:

  • Choose Magento connect manager and give a paste option of the key.
  • For example: Magento-core/ Mage_All_New. Give a click!
CSS changes are done by downloader/skin.

Theme modifications:

What are all the modifications used in Magento theme? Let us list a few modifications such as javascript, images and CSS. The folder called skin gives the detail of javascript, images and CSS. Again, here are the subfolders such as install, frontend and adminhtml.

Install – Installation use.

Frontend – Store design front use

Adminthml – Administrator design details.

Files of Media:

You must have a folder to upload images separately. Save all the images in the folder called “media”. Magento takes the responsibility to resize the images based on your requirement. To store product image, go to the folder media and then select another folder “import”.

Session and Cache files:

The folder called “var” stores the temporary files in Magento. If you want to flush out the caches, here is the way to delete the content in var folder.

In the admin panel, go to system and then choose cache management. Just refresh all over the content. Your caches are cleared now!

Library external code:

The main framework of Magento is Zend designed by Varien. Like the way you guess! External code is saved here.

Magento javascript:

The javascript files are stored in the folder js. So, design it with your choice!

Here, we conclude the Magento features and functionalities. It is essential to make use of Magento applications for a new trend.
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