WordPress forms – Users have a personal query on this question “How to add password in WordPress forms?” Whenever you create a form in WordPress, it is open up to all users. So, no permissions are required for the user to view the forms created in WordPress. But, some users were not convenient to showcase this form to all users instead they add up a password to give access to selected users. A user without a password cannot view the form page as like before.

Here’s a full explanation: A developer must maintain and make changes in the website whenever required for his clients. We cannot countdown the clients since it entirely depends upon the developer’s talent. For example, if a developer has 6 or 8 clients for any queries related to the website a client can contact the developer through the created form in WordPress. Apart from his clients, no others are recommended to fetch the WordPress form.

Some clients will have a chat or call a meeting on skype, zoom, or something else. A client used to schedule a meeting in those applications but a non-client couldn’t schedule the meeting in listed applications. Like a WhatsApp group, you can create a group where a client can share his thoughts or opinion but a non-client doesn’t have features to share his thoughts.

Note: Why there is a focus behind non-clients? The answer is very simple! You can allow them to get a WordPress form but all those should be valid right?

We have discussed why a password is required in WordPress form. So, let us start the work to add a password in WordPress forms by two methods such as using WPForms and WordPress page.

WPForms to add password in WordPress forms:

In technical terms, a contact form is said to be WordPress forms. Use a drag and drop form builder to create new forms in WordPress. Don’t forget to use the form locker addon! By the name itself, you can conclude this is the one that is used to add a password in WP forms.

Step 1: Search for the plugin WPForms install and activate it. In this step, you can create a form as per your requirement and keep it ready to add a password.

Step 2: By now, you would have completed the process of form setup. Start installing the form locker addon in WPForms.

Step 3: From the WordPress admin area, go to WPForms and then select Addond ns. Once if you found the exact addon, install it in your WordPress and then activate it.

Step 4: In your WPForms, tap on “all forms” so that, you will be listed with the forms created till now. Choose the one for which you need to add the password.

Step 5: Tap on the name of the form to make changes. Select the option “settings” and then choose form locker. Form locker shows more options such as password, scheduling, entry limit, and user.

Step 6: Choose the first option “enable password protection” to add a password. Type the password and in case if you forget the password just mail it to the mentioned mail.

Step 7: Go to the screen top to tap on the button “save changes”. Only a user with a password can see the contact form on that website page. For non-clients, it won’t be displayed so that, they can see only the remaining content.

Use sidebars for protecting the password in WordPress. Other than this, form locker gives you more features like submission enablement, login user restriction, entry limitation, etc.

WordPress page to add password in WordPress forms:

Here, you have an option to make a full-page hide from non-clients.

Step 1: Do a page edit and then add the form. On the right side, tap on the settings “document”. Below, you can see the option “public” and next a popup window will be displayed. The name of the popup window is post visibility.

Step 2: A post visibility shows three options such as public, private, and password protected. Once if you enter the password, a user cannot see the whole content on the page without a password.

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