How to install Security Advisor Addon on cPanel server ?

How to install Security Advisor Addon on cPanel server ?

What is cPanel?

cPanel is a Web Hosting Control Panel which works in Linux OS. The basic work of cPanel is to provide graphical interface and automatic designing tools for hosting any website. cPanel uses a three level structure which provides abilities for administrators, resellers, and website end-users to control the various parts of website and server administration through any of the standard web browser. In addition to the interface section, cPanel has command line and API based access too which allows the third party software vendors, web hosting organizations, and other developers to automate the standard system administration process. If you are worried about cPanel Server Security then visit this article and get all the solutions to your security needs with easy step. Security Advisor Addon on cPanel Server is the basic security provider. Addon in the cPanle Server Security Advisor can be easily added by GIT.

First of all you should directly download the addon security advisor from the internet.

Now Here Are The Installation steps:

First Step : SSH to server as root user.

Second Step : Do follow the below pasted steps:

# /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git clone
# cd addon_securityadvisor/pkg
# ./install

Here Is The Sample Output Of Yhis Command:

root@test [~/addon_securityadvisor/pkg]# ./install
Notification => root@test via EMAIL [level => 2]
Notification => root@test via PAGER [level => 2]
securityadvisor registered
cPanel Security Advisor installed into WHM.

Third Step : Log into WHM and go to the Plugins section and Click through this link and it will automatically run the cPanel Security Advisor. Then there will be a test which will only take a few minutes.

Now Security Advisor Addon on cPanel server is installed.

Now Here Are The Uninstall Steps:

Do follow the below pasted steps to uninstall Security Advisor Addon from server.

# cd /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git
# ./uninstall

Now Security Advisor Addon on cPanel server is uninstalled.
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