Joomla 3 Module creation and Item type called “Create Article”

Joomla 3 Module creation and Item type called “Create Article”

Before taking up a look at Joomla 3, let’s note this platform features. One best feature of Joomla is to create a menu by you. A website with a menu is said to be well-structured and makes navigation easier. You can ask “How this menu works?” Well! Each menu has a code with a URL where you can link to a specific page. It acts with the settings such as a page of the article, layouts in page and categories. Here, in this article let’s see to create an item type called “Create Article”.

Using the Joomla front end, you can work on the article to write easily. This feature is not only applicable for admin but also normal users. Already, you would have created the module called “Login Module”. It has given you all types of access to work from the front end. If you don’t have an idea to create this type of module hope this article will help you a lot.

Step 1: Backend login: You are well known for the backend and frontend procedure in Joomla. To create an item type “Create Article” kindly use login credentials of the Joomla backend. Go to the menu manager for selecting the menu you want.

Step 2: At the left side top corner, you can see the button “New”. Tap on it to create a menu here.

Step 3: It shows a small pop-up menu where you can tap on the “Select” for choosing the menu type. Here, you can more type of menu lists displaying in front of you.

Step 4: Choose the menu type “Article menu item type” and so, it displays the category of the article which have a sub-menu called “Create Article”.

Step 5: Tap on the “Create Article” and don’t forget to name the item type without fail. Save the process you have done till now.

I hope, you are done with backend work. Create the item menu type you want by now. So, now let's start to work on the front end of Joomla. Tap on the button “Refresh” to check whether the process you have done is applied or not.

Creation of Joomla 3 Login Modules:

Most Joomla users would love to use a content management system in their application. Admins are said to be backend users. They have access to create or modify articles, menus, modules and categories. Instead of using the backend for creating a new login, you can use the frontend for a well-researched method. If any of your users have permission to work only from the backend you can make them work in the frontend with proper privilege. Let us start to create a login module in this section:

Step 1: Use credentials to log in from the backend here. Tap on the option “Content” and so, you can see the display of the drop-down list. Choose the menu “Module” for selecting module manager.

Step 2: In module manager, you can see the list of buttons displayed at the page top row-wise. Tap on the button “New” and then start creating the module by choosing the type of the module too!

Step 3: By now, you have created the module “Login”. Go down to see the Login Module! Tap on the button to set a title for the assigned module. Choose the location of the module to get displayed on the page. Use the tab “Menu assignment” for selecting module location.

That’s it! Go to the front end and tap on the button “Refresh”. Only so, you can see the recent changes made in Joomla 3. You have created two modules called “Create Article” and “Login Module”.
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