what is Caching and its uses

what is Caching and its uses


When we surf over the net a lot of things happen at that time. Our computer’s hard disk then saves lot of images, files and web contents temporarily. These are called cache. By storing those types of information saves the time of user and increases his performance. For example if you move back to a page in your browser then your system will show the contents of that page without downloading this page and reduces the load on server. So we can say in other words it is a process of saving the data temporarily. There are three kinds of cache.

1. Memory cache: The memory cache is the part of RAM and is beneficial as lot of programs use a repeated data a number of times.

2. Browser cache: browser cache includes the java scripts , html pages , CSS etc. when you browse the same pages over net then browser need not to download them again as they are already stored in the memory. More ever these pages are shown instantly than browsing them on internet.

3. Drive cache: suppose you are surfing the net, so every time when you open a new page then your activity on that page are sent to your browser’s temporary cache into hard disk. So whenever you need to open that page these contents will be displayed without downloading that particular page on server. So time of the user is saved significantly.

Advantage of Cache:

1. Cache stores the recently used programs or events in temporary memory. These activities can be recalled easily by a user without surfing them on a browser again. So they save the precious time of a person and hence improve the ability of the user.

2. We can able to re-use the data at any time.

3. With cache less resources are to be required.
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