How to install virtual box on CentOS or RHEL

How to install virtual box on CentOS or RHEL

Virtual Box:

Virtual box is a useful application that provides the facility to run and install the multiple Operating system at same time into multiple virtual machine. The virtual box is based on cross platform virtualization. For instance if you want to run the window on linux system, run linux on the window system and linux and window on the Mac then you install the virtual box package on your system.

Advantages of Virtual Box:

Some advantages of virtualization is as follow

i. You can run the multiple Operating system at same time.

ii. It helps to recover from disaster.

iii. Easy to install.

Disadvantages of virtual Box:

The virtual box has a disadvantage is that it occupies the more memory and disk space.

Steps to Install virtual Box in CentOS or RHEL:

Install virtual box by Using Package Manager YUM:

Step 1: for installation you need to create a file name repo below the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory and save it with .repo extension via using the given command.


# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo

Steps 2: adding the details in .repo file. This repository entry for RHEL and CentOS. Then download the virtual box from link

Steps 3: Installing the virtual box via using the given commands.


# yum install VirtualBox -4.3

Install virtual box from RPM:

Install the virtual box from RPM is difficult.

Step 1: first you need to download the full package of virtual box.

Step 2: install the virtualbox via RPM command


rpm –ivh VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.6_91406_e15-1.x86_64.rpm
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