What is Wordpress Security?

It’s just a topic of huge importance for each and every website owner based on the security. Each week there will be number of websites for malware and number of websites for phishing.

The Wordpress software is very secure and it is being audited by hundreds and thousands of developers. Its not only about the risk elimination, its also about risk reduction. As the owner of some website, you can improve your security standards.

There are list of best wordpress security plugins:
  • BulletProof Security – It has the records about your attempts in login. It simply quarantining and monitors your uploaded file each and every second. You will get alert in email if actions are done.
  • Sucuri Security Plugin – Using this sucuri security plugin you can assure the blacklist monitoring, malware scanning, effective security hardening and security activity auditing.
  • iThemes Security Plugin – It has two authentication methods and absolute brute force protection. It locks if the user login with non-proper credentials. It keeps eye on your files which is Corley used.
  • All In One WP Security and Firewall – Using this security, you will be guided with well-defined user interface and it protects the measure of security, vulnerabilities and techniques which were released recently.
  • 6Scan Security - Using this plugin, you can find once the vulnerability occurs in your WordPress by fixing the solution and detecting automatically. It triggers manually for the solution by algorithm.
  • WordFence Plugin – It helps you in security scanning, login security, WordPress firewall and IP blocking. It also supports with two authentication method with scanning schedule.
  • AntiVirus for Wordpress – This plugin is very easy to use and gives protection against malware and exploits. You can run the scan method automatically without any restriction to your tables in database.
Why Website Security in Important?

Now-a-days, websites are being easily hacked by the hackers. The hacked WP causes damage to the business revenue and its reputation. The hackers will easily steel the user information, passwords, and can also distribute it the other users.

Keeping WordPress updated…

WP is an open source software which should be regularly maintained and should also be updated. WP also updates some of the minor updates by default. WP comes with different types of plugins and themes that can be installed and it is being handled by the third party developers who usually provide frequent updates that is being required.

Strong Passwords and User Permissions…

Using stronger passwords make the hackers job quite difficult. The passwords should be very strong and unique that is used for the website. Its common that we mostly not try to use strong passwords which make us difficult to remember them. So, a password manager can make that work easier for us. Another way to decrease the possibility of getting hacked is not to give the WP access to anyone unless and until if it is very important.

WP Backup Solution…

To remember that nothing is 100% secure, backups will always help us. These backups will allow you to store your WP site incase if something bad happens. There are many backup plugins available. These backup plugins are also available at free and paid also. These backup plugins should be saved on a regular basis to store the regular process of the website.

Best WP Security Plugin…

Once the backup format is being completed, the next process is to set up a system that keeps track of each and everything that happens on your website. This process includes monitoring, scanning, check the failed login attempts, etc.,.

There is one WP plugin which is called the Sucuri Scanner, which is free and it takes care of all the above process by itself. You just need to install and activate the Security Plugin and follow the guide for installation process.

Enable Web Application Firewall (WAF)

The easiest way to protect your website is by using a WAP. It helps block all the malicious software before it reaches your website. As suggested, Sucuri helps a lot by its own and its safe.
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