Free Online Tools to Scan Website for Vulnerabilities & Malware

Free Online Tools to Scan Website for Vulnerabilities & Malware

A Website Admin has various issues in mind so that he / she can make his / her Website the best. Security is one of these issues which are very important factor in Website Business. Every Website has threat of Vulnerabilities & Malware. There are various online tools available that helps Web Admin to protect Website from Vulnerabilities & Malware. Some of these online tools are detailed in the following text. All the tools are absolutely free.

1. UpGuard Web Scan : It is an external risk assessment tool. Upguard Web Scan uses information available publicly to grade on various website risk factors such as Clickjack Attack, Cookie, DNSSEC, Headers, SSL etc.

2. Sucuri SiteCheck : Sucuri SiteCheck Online Tools is available without any type of Registration or Form Filling. This tool allows Web Admin to scan a Website to find Blacklist Status, Defacements, Injected SPAM, Malicious Script, Malware, Risk, Outdated Software etc. Sucuri SiteCheck also provides the facility to Recover a Hacked Website. It works on various Website platforms such as Drupal, Joomla, Magento, phpBB, WordPress etc.

3. Tinfoil Security : This tool scans the Website for the top ten OWASP Vulnerabilities and then for the other Security Risks. It provides actionable reports along with further option for re-scan (after completing the needed fixes). This whole process takes up to 5 minutes only.

4. Scan My Server : ScanMyServer is one of the best as well as most popular Online Tool which offers comprehensive reports on various types of Security Tests such as Blind SQL Injection, PHP Code Injection, Cross Site Scripting, HTTP Header Injection, Source Disclosure, SQL Injection etc.

5. Virus Total : Virus Total offers a tool to analyze and find Websites from a URL to identify Malicious Software and Other Threats. It runs numerous Antiviruses along with various Website Scanners to provide security report for the Website. This tool gives the power to check every single component before adding it to the Website.

6. SiteGuarding : SiteGuarding allows the Web Admin to scan the Domain for Defacement, Injected Spam, Malware, Website Blacklisting etc. It also allows the Web Admin to remove malware from Website. SiteGuarding works on various Website platforms such as Bulletin, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, osCommerce, WordPress etc.

7. Quttera : You just have to enter your Website's Url into Quttera's Input Box and then click the Enter Button to scan your Website. It also offers dedicated Malware Checking Tools for WordPress Websites along with Universal Web Monitoring & Malware Removal. You can use Quttera without any sign-up process. It scans the website for Malicious & Suspicious Files, Malware Domain List, Safe Browsing (Google, Yandex), phishTank and Vulnerabilities.

8. Asafa Web : If you want a Quick Scan Results of Clickjacking, Custom Errors, EMLAH Log, Hash DoS Patch, HTTP Only Cookies, Secure Cookies, Stack Trace, Tracing etc for your Website then you should use AsafaWeb as your Website Scanning Tool.

9. Web Inspector : Web Inspector uses a kind of Browser Clone in combination with various other tools & plugins to Find, Remove and Prevent Threats. It Scans Website and gives report about Backdoors, Blacklist, Malware, Phishing, Suspicious Frames & Connections, Trojans, Worms etc. This tool can also be used to see Website’s current status regarding Malware Infections, Multi-redirect Malware Activities, Search Engine Blacklists, SSL Certification Checking etc.

10. Netsparker Cloud : Netsparker Cloud scans your Website for over 25 Very Critical Vulnerabilities. Netsparker Cloud is free for Open Source Project and one can also request for the trial varsion to run the Website Scan.

Apart from all these tools detailed above, various more free online tools available for Website Scan are Ghost Scanner, Google Safe Browsing, Qualys FreeScan, Qualys SSL Labs,,,,,, WordPress Security Scan,,,, etc.
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