Has your subscription been suspended in Plesk?

Has your subscription been suspended in Plesk?

Before getting suspended from a Plesk subscription, you would have gotten some symptoms. There is a situation for you to ignore those symptoms carelessly. So, notice the symptoms one by one when you get it the first time.
  • There is no way to activate subscriptions or customer suspension.
  • You can still see the customer or owner is active.
  • The reseller or owner is still working with your Plesk.
  • You cannot process or export the dump of the database.
  • You might see that value 2 is subscription status and 0 is domain status.
A quick way to deal with the suspended subscription:

Step 1:
Use RDP or SSH to connect with the server firstly.

Step 2: Use the below command for creating database dump in Plesk:

Windows server: C:\>pleskdb dump psa> C:\psa_backup.sql
Linux: # pleskdb dump psa> /root/psa_backup.sql
Step 3: Start accessing the database of Plesk:

# pleskdb
Step 4:

How to activate for customer?
mysql> UPDATE clients SET status=0 WHERE pname='Customer name';

How to activate for subscription? mysql> UPDATE domains SET status=0, webspace_status=0 WHERE name='example.com';

After completing all the steps one by one kindly login into Plesk again for confirmation. Activate the suspended subscription by tapping the status “Activate” in the Change status section.
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