Have you heard about page caching in WordPress? Here is the article to configure it easily

Have you heard about page caching in WordPress? Here is the article to configure it easily

Website loading time – Why it is important in all aspects? Website performance is important for website users and owners. A quick-loading website doesn’t make a user lose interest. Just imagine, if your website loads more than 4min or 5 min will he or she wait for the complete loading time.

He or she may move to another website right! So, always make sure website performance is up to the mark or not. WordPress users often hear caching plugins. To make sure whether your website loading time is minimal use caching method. A good website must give a warning message to browsers for noting down the cache time.

It is a must to make manual changes because some plugins won’t allow you to make all the changes. It doesn’t have enough control so, do manual configurations properly.

We are listing a few cache plugins such as W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache Plugin. W3 cache has a greater number of the configuration process and WP has an easy way of installation and configuration. Because of the WordPress PHP script, your website may be slow in the process. It’s the time to give an alert right! So, use the cache plugin which solves your problem immediately by producing HTML files in static mode.

How to process WP super cache download and installation?

Search the plugin “WP super cache” and then download it. Install the plugin once if you complete the download. To make your process easy, we guide you, friends!

In your dashboard, go to plugins present on the left side of the dashboard. Tap on the button “Add new” and in the search space type as “WP super cache”.

Once done, tap on the button “Enter”.

You will get displayed with the details of the WP super cache plugin. Tap on the button “install” and “activation plugin”.

How to configure the cache plugin?

After the activation of the WP super cache plugin, you will get a successful message for confirmation with the hyperlink plugin. This is the settings page where you can add a few things. In case, if you are in a need to process the permalink then go to settings. Tap on the permalink option and so it displays five choices such as default, day & name, month & name, numeric, and post name.

Here, we are choosing numeric as the option.

Step 1:
Go to WP cache plugin and then select “Settings”. Choose “WP super cache” so that you will get a message displaying yellow color.

Step 2: Here comes the restriction where the yellow box should pop up only one time. It shouldn’t repeat. Go to the panel to choose “Settings” and then tap “WP super cache” for selecting the section “easy”. Check whether caching is enabled or disabled. Make it enable and get new updates regularly.

Step 3: Once if the cache is enabled, tap on the button “Test Cache”. It starts to get information from WordPress two times and so, comparing the footprints will be an easy task. If the prints get matched then caching is properly working.

Step 4: Again, if you need to increase the website performance more tap on the advanced settings.

Let us try to set up with a more advanced option!

Step 1:
You might have not been satisfied with the website speed yet. To increase it more kindly work on the advanced option.

Step 2: Go to “Settings” and then select “WP super cache”. Tap on the button “Advanced Tab”.

How to process cache enablement?

Some used to say WP super cache has PHP script and it is so expensive to deal with it. For better results, we recommend you to use mod rewrote for serving all the cache files together. Scroll below to hit the button “Update status”.

All these works are for the file .htaccess. Tap on the button “Update Mod_Rewrite Rules”.

Check the file .htaccess now to get a green color box.

Process the tab “Plugin’s Preload”.

What is Preload set up here?

For all the pages and posts, we require cache at regular intervals. Someone should take responsibility right it's none other than Preload set up. The hosting that is shared must have the ability to cache at least 1440 minutes. In case, if you are willing to do a cache update on the website for two days once kindly try to make a refresh for the minutes 70.

Secondly, if you are doing cache updates daily on your website then do not prefer a lower value. For a dedicated server, kindly make it for 60 minutes.

Once finished updating the cache tap on the button “Update settings”. It would help you to save all the changes. For immediate cache start, tap on the button “Preload cache now”. Based on the website page and post, allot the resource and time correctly.

By now, you have completed the configuration for WP super cache. Proceed with the test for making out the confirmation. Go to the tab “Easy settings” and then tap the button “Test cache”.

If the configuration of the cache plugin is completed you will get a successful message. Your website will load faster now.

Because you have configured the WordPress cache successfully.
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