How to fix the command “Plesk migration”?

How to fix the command “Plesk migration”?

“Plesk repair web” or Plesk migration command fails!

What will be your next move? Finding the solution for this command failure might be hectic but once you sort out the problem it will be the experience right!

You will get an error message by stating:

Details: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class
'GuzzleHttp\Promise\Create' not found in
The hidden cause may be due to cloning, copying data, plugins, themes, security checks log in, etc in WordPress.

How to resolve the error?

Step 1:
Use SSH to get connected with the Plesk server

Step 2: Let us do Plesk extension reinstallation again. You will get an error message like the below-mentioned:

Details: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class
'GuzzleHttp\Promise\Create' not found in
Again, do reinstallation on nodejs:

# plesk bin extension --uninstall nodejs
# plesk bin extension --install nodejs
Once you complete the installation, go to the Plesk account and then select “Subscription”. Tap on the website name and then click on the option “Install”.

This installation will help you to fix the command that failed.
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