How to Resolve the Error "Maximum Execution Time Exceeded" Using the wp-config.php file

How to Resolve the Error "Maximum Execution Time Exceeded" Using the wp-config.php file

When you run into a WordPress issue, it may feel as though you should abandon the site. However, as you are aware, WordPress is one of the most wonderful (CMS) Content Management Systems available; you must first master the fundamentals. There are several frequent WordPress problems, including Maximum Execution Time Exceeded. This error happens when installing or updating a plugin or theme takes longer than the default execution time.

Recalling such a mistake frequently in the past might be an issue. You can also discover other solutions to repair it if you do some investigation. The.htaccess file is used by the majority of individuals; however, a WordPress plugin is a lifesaver for novices. Install and activate the WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded plugin if you're thinking about utilising one.

But today, we show you how to use the wp-config.php file in a new method. You should also be aware that the PHP.ini file may be used to resolve the Maximum Execution Time Exceeded issue, but for now, concentrate on wp-config.php.

Make changes to the wp-config.php file.

Editing wp-config.php may be done in two ways. You can use an FTP account if you have one. But now I'm going to teach you how to do it with cPanel.

People used to not be able to acquire cPanel access a few years ago, but now nearly every web hosting business offers cPanel access, even with their basic plan.

Don't be concerned if you have a lot of choices. I realise how intimidating it might be for a novice, but it's not as difficult as you would imagine.

Allow me to begin the operation.

Step 1: First and foremost, you must sign up for the cPanel account that your web hosting company provides. Look for the File Manager icon, which is generally found in the Files area of cPanel.

Because of the cPanel layout, it's conceivable that you'll see something different. All of the main businesses, including Siteground, Bluehost, Inmotionhosting, Hostinger, and others, have comparable cPanel choices.

The file manager is conveniently accessible. To open it, go to File Manager.

Step 2: Because your website's data is stored in the root directory, you'll need to open public_html. The home directory will most likely be visible when you launch the file manager. From the vertical sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen, go to public HTML. When you click, you'll be able to see all of your WordPress website's files and directories.

Note: If you're hosting numerous websites on the same server, you'll need to access the folder for the site where the issue is occurring.

Step 3: Locate and right-click the wp-config.php file to change it. You may also utilise the conventional Edit option from cPanel's main navigation menu, as is customary.

Step 4: A window will appear asking whether you're sure you want to change the code file. Select Edit from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: A new tab appears, with a plethora of coding lines. However, you do not need to make any changes to the current code; simply add one line of code and save the file.
The execution duration is set to 300 seconds in this code; this is more than adequate. You can add 600 seconds if you still need more time than 300 seconds.

However, if you utilise a well-coded plugin, it won't take long. As a result, it's preferable to keep the value at 300.

In the top-right corner, click the Save Changes button. Installing and upgrading your plugin or theme is a good idea. If you succeed, congratulations; you have solved the problem.

How to resolve execution time exceeded error in the maximum count?

As you may be aware, there are several techniques for resolving a technical problem, but the best option is to follow the correct procedure. The code in the. htaccess and wp-config.php files differ, but the outcome is the same.

Do you believe you'll be able to change the wp-config.php file via cPanel or FTP?

People occasionally make assumptions about the WordPress platform's complexity, yet learning it is simple if you try. It's simple to fix the Maximum Execution Time Exceeded issue. The steps are visible. I'm hoping you'll have no trouble completing this job.
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