How to Upload VCF to WordPress? Easy Solution

How to Upload VCF to WordPress? Easy Solution

VCF or vCard file allow you to store contact information of users in a file. In most cases, if you open the VCF file, you’ll notice plan text information that contains details like name, address, phone number, email, and binary images. You can store and share contact info across different platforms with ease.

For WordPress sites, you can use them as a contact directory. Users can click on this file and access the contact information.

If you’re unsure how to upload a VCF file to WordPress, here are the exact steps you need to follow:
  • Go to the WorPress dashboard
  • On the left hand side panel, click on the Media option
  • Click on the Add New button. It will open the Upload New Media page
  • Tap on Browse and select the VCF file you want to upload from your computer
  • Tap on Open to upload the VCF file
You will now see the VCF file in your WordPress library. So that’s how you can upload VCF file to WordPress websites in a few simple steps.
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