"cPremote" is a Backup Plugin whci help to take backup for cpanel account. cPremote is a Paid Plugin thus you will need Licensed Version to use it. This Plugin supports Compressed, Incremental and Uncompressed Backups with 7 Days Retention. cPremote's WHM Interface helps both the Server Admin and the cPanel Users to transact backups and restore. cPremote allows restore of Domains, Email Accounts, Full Backups, Files & Folders, Home Directories, MySQL Databases, Subdomains etc. cPremote uses "rsync" to sync the backup to its proper destination.

Requirements for the Installation :

Requirements for the Installation are CentOS 6/7 Operating System and 11.60 or Higher Version of cPanel. License the IP by Logging into the cPremote provider portal and adding the license. After IP License, you can start the installation.

Steps of Installation :

1. Download the package of cPremote by Logging into syslint portal panel or from the URL https://syslintportal.com/downloads.php.

2. Upload the downloaded cPremote package to your server (i.e. to /usr/local/src).

3. Untar or Unzip the Package by using the following commands -:

# cd /usr/local/src

# tar -xzf cpremote-10.0.tar.gz
4. Now enable ioncube loader from WHM panel as cPanel PHP loader >> Tweak settings.


5. Install the Package by using the following commands -:

# cd cpremote-10.0

# ./install.py install
After this you have to check the interface of cPremote WHM. For that Logging into WHM then go to cPremote section and easily manage "cPremote Backup Plugin".
First release
Last update
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