Usage of views for image gallery creation in Drupal

Usage of views for image gallery creation in Drupal

How to use Drupal 8 views for creating image gallery creation? This article will give you a solution for creating an image gallery to support colorbox JavaScript, CCK Fields and Views.

Here, you can create the galleries in the methods listed below:
  • Views Table Grid and Image Field
  • Colorbox JavaScript and Photo Albums
Step 1: Go to to download files and modules. Use admin/modules/install path for installation with the help of gzip or zip files.

What other modules do you need?
  • Colorbox
  • Image Effects
  • Image Widget Crop
  • Crop API
  • Album Photos
  • API library
  • Crooper
You can move the file “Cropper JavaScript” after the completion of download to the folder “/libraries”.

The module of Image Effects needs the module information File Metadata and ImageMagick. You can start installing modules such as File Metadata Manager and ImageMagick.

You need to check the permission settings using the path admin/people/permissions.

From Colorbox, you can download the file JavaScript. Once downloaded, move the file to folder /libraries.

Step 2: Usually, photos are created by Photo Album. Developers in Drupal 8, won't create steps for views. They give more concentration on creating the type of photo content.

Go to admin/structure/types and then tap on the link “add new content-type”. It is easy to create “Gallery Image” where you can add ImageField.

Go to admin/structure/types/manage/*/fields path for creating ImageField. Before saving the changes, kindly add fields and taxonomy tags. Use admin/structure/types/manage/photos/form-display path for managing node field of photos and then start reviewing the display.

To access image upload use the path node /add/photos or node/add/* based upon the image gallery method.

Go to admin/config/media/image-styles and start setting up the Image Thumbnail. You can start creating responsive and region views using the Drupal 8 theme. From now, you can go to node/add/photos or node/add/* and add eight to ten photos with tags, descriptions and titles.

Step 3: Once if you start uploading the images go to CMS by using the path admin/structure/views. Tap on the button “add view” and do steps one by one.

Choose “Content of type Gallery Image tagged with --- sorted by Newest first” and then save the changes by naming the view. Now, work on the customization of the page gallery.

Start by creating the page and then select the display with the node fields and grid.

You can set the URL and title for the image gallery. Tap on the button “save and exit”. Go to the configuration page of view and then select the category “Fields” to add views in the image gallery. Right now, you can see the photos are displayed in a grid format.

Based upon the thumbnail and image number, the images are displayed in order.

Step 4: To create an album in the image gallery download the module “Drupal 8 Photo Album”. Go to node/add/photos for creating the page photo album. Save all those settings without fail!

Once if you create a photo album page, go to the tab for uploading images in the group. View the images on the popup screen of Colorbox. Enquire the size of image thumbnails often. The album sets the limitation of a photo upload.

To set up the size of thumbnail images go to admin/config/media/photos and it includes other work such as image size, album, global display, privacy, and storage path.

Step 5: Go to the section of content type and then choose the type of nodes. Tap on the field “manage & edit” for selecting the image field.

Choose the Image Field from Colorbox for adding more nodes. Save all those settings and go to the page node/add/* for testing form display. Go to the tab “manage display” and choose the content type for reviewing page & teaser views.

Therefore, you have created views for the image gallery!
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