What is the way to enable Anti-Spam Comments in Drupal 8?

What is the way to enable Anti-Spam Comments in Drupal 8?

Do you hear anything about Anti-Spam protection? It is nothing but ReCaptcha! In this article, we are going to learn about enabling Anti-Spam comments. Admins from Drupal 8 have the advantage of looking carefully at anti-scriptBot HoneyPot protection. Few web users would love to use Disqus comment instead of Drupal 8. But it is not possible to use both the comment system such as Drupal 8 and Disqus at the same time.

You can plug both Drupal 8 and Disqus to access more functionality. Here, the decision is taken to use ReCaptcha protection and the installation of Drupal 8.

Step 1: Go to the section of Module using the path admin/modules to enable the module “Comment”. Some would have the default settings to install this type of module.

Step 2: You can even turn on or off the comment section for content type individually. Go to the path /admin/structure/types/manage/*/fields for modifying content type settings. Using this path admin/structure/comment, you can build templates on customization and settings in the theme.

Step 3: Try using individual protection for comment customization. Start downloading the module “ReCaptcha”! For this registration is important for accessing ReCaptcha.

The most important note for protection is HoneyPot. This is an additional layer for protection. You know right! Three modules usage and installation with the help of this go to admin/config/people/captcha/recaptcha.

Step 4: To configure the module “HoneyPot” go to : admin/config/content/honeypot and enable “Protect all forms”.

Step 5: In HoneyPot, you can see more lists and choose the one “Comment”. You can use ReCaptcha after registering with the website.

Here comes the space for adding values in the key by generating the ReCaptcha API key. For a better challenge, we recommend you select the level based on the difficulty and colour of the themes.

Step 6: Save the settings and try to refresh Drupal 8!

You can see the challenge created by the Drupal 8 ReCaptcha anti-spam. Check the background appearance of HoneyPot.

Step 7: Based on the user role, you can set the comment permission for better reviews. You need to give permission only for registered users but ignore anonymous users.

By now, anonymous users must view the sign-up page along with the link “Register to comment”.

Step 8: As said previously, we will be knowing that Drupal 8 and Disqus cannot be used at the same time. If you are going to use Disques on the side of Drupal 8 then it is a must for you to uninstall the module “Comment” in Drupal 8.

Once if you complete the registration for using Disqus with Drupal 8 go to admin/config/services/disqus.

That’s it! One of the tough tasks but easy to handle! This article will show you good deals!
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