Everything you need to know about HTTP/2

Everything you need to know about HTTP/2

What is HTTP/2?

HTTP/2 is a protocol used widely to increase the performance of the website or else you can say like boosting up your website. This article will be very useful for users who want to use HTTP/2 protocol in upcoming days and users who are already using it. You may think like users who use HTTP/2 protocol would have information already then why this article is referred for them. Some might be well talented in using HTTP/2 protocol or some don’t have technical knowledge on this protocol. This article will be useful for both the personalities so its a good opportunity to gain more knowledge on this protocol particularly.

One of the best protocols used in HTTP network is HTTP/2 protocol. WWW (World Wide Web) is technologically advanced to use HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol). There is a process of nodes to transfer information like media and text. Here, this protocol plays the major role to get accessed in-between the nodes via web links to transfer media and text. Note this point over here, the nodes are not connected but still, it gives a transformation via web links. Hope, this is the major advantage in this protocol. Let us give a smart example like server and browser are not in a point of connection. Without HTTP protocol the page can’t get load full site right!

Note: HTTP/2 protocol helps to get more information on the website.

One of the models used in HTTP network is called as client-server. A developer used to write an HTML code to build up a website. Rather than this, how a user can open a website in a Google just by typing the website URL in Google search bar. Just think! It is all filled up with a basic and advanced level mechanism. Generally, a website is recommended to open by using static uniform resource locator. Once if you allocate uniform resource locator, a user types the website name in Google search bar and it automatically gives the HTTP request to the server. A server sends the information in the format of HTML. So, there is a transaction between the server and browser here. A server sends the HTML format of website code and a browser receives the HTML code to open it as the website. The HTTP protocol has a generic method to get authentication and session details. Here, a session is said to be a transaction made like request-response with a help of TCP connection that too only for a particular port. For HTTPS, the port number is 443 and for HTTP it is 80. The connection of HTTPS is solidly responsible for a protocol called cryptographic to support encrypted channel. But, behind a portion, TLS plays the main role to build up an encrypted channel for the HTTPS connection.

Versions available in HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1:

The standard officially announced at starting is HTTP/1.1. When we go deeper, in 1996 developers have created a version of HTTP/1.0 and later HTTP/1.1 is the upper version. In 1997, the implementation of HTTP/1.1 first version started. In 1999, a standard version is released and again in 2014, it got more stabilized. For reference, we can differentiate these two versions such as HTTP1/1 is used for connections in multiple whereas HTTP/1.0 is allowed only to get connected for single usage. So, the decision is your choice! To make your website speed capacity more choose HTTP1.1 to get multiple connections. It doesn’t stop here so, it keeps the hierarchy in HTTP/2.0 too.

How the request methods are active in HTTP?

POST and GET are the two important request methods used often in HTTP. If a user gets service by entering the credentials such as username and password he has to click on the button “submit”. The client allows the POST request method here. We have stated only two methods here but remaining methods are also listed below for your reference.

Few of the request methods are not active even if the internet-enabled browser doesn’t respond.

PATCH – If a user wants to modify the resource then this PATCH helps to modify the resource.
CONNECT – Connect in terms it starts converting the request into tunnel IP.
OPTIONS – It returns the method of HTTP which has support.
TRACE – The request of echoes started.
DELETE – It helps to delete the resource.
PUT – It takes the responsibility to create or modify the resource.
HEAD – It won’t have a response body like the other request method GET.

HTTP status codes & HTTP response:

A request must have a response body only in this term we can connect request-response word. Once if a request sent to the server then a server gives a response in terms of HTML code or sometimes it get response through header field. The given responses are well established in connection to get more details on HTTP parameters and other information.

The response of the HTTP starts by status code so that a client will get a rough copy like in what stage a website is.

· 1[xx] – Informational,
· 2[xx] – Successful,
· 3[xx] – Redirection,
· 4[xx] – Client Error,
· 5[xx] – Server Error.

A quick brief on HTTP/2:

We have already said that there is a unique transaction between the nodes. From the node transaction and framed data packages, you can get a clear sketch on details like HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. These two protocols have high-level support so that, a server gives a push of data to the client whenever he or she required. This process doesn’t wait for the browser response because it is supported by a high-level configuration. If a server gets more requests then TCP connection takes the responsibility to respond all by pipelining the information. In some cases, it may affect the website performance so, a user must be ready for all input and output. Nowadays, the browser is updated with the protocol HTTP/2 so, if the server has an HTTP/2 configuration then a website opens up with this protocol otherwise, it goes for the second option.

Step 1: Go to security extension and search for security advisor for enabling it.

Step 2: By now, HTTP/2 will be started in one click side by side it activates WordPress HTTPS and SSL one click.

Do not worry about security advisor option here! It is free of the standard also you can increase the website speed than before.

That's it! We have given a full list of HTTP features and its versions. The mentioned versions are up-to-date in trend so, this article is advisable for both beginner and experienced person too. Nothing is possible with HTTP on the internet; Internet has a revolution by revolving the HTTP version by itself.
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