How to check performance of linux system through command line ?

How to check performance of linux system through command line ?

To monitor and debug a Linux system performance is really a tough job for a system administrator in Linux. It's not quite easy for experts also to monitor and keep system up and running,
But, there are many utilities through which monitoring your system becomes easy and reliable too. There are many commands through which we can monitor and find the actual cause behind system performance.

The list of commands are given below :

1) TOP command : Top command is an inbuilt utility and used by many system administrators to monitor Linux system performance. It shows You CPU and Memory Usage, Swap memory usage, buffer size, cache size, user commands, process PID and many more.
# top

2). VmStat command : VmStat command shows statistics of kernerl threads, virtual memory, system processes, disks, interrupts, I/O blocks, CPU activity and much more. By default vmstat command is not available under Linux systems you have to install it.
# vmstat

3). Lsof command : lsof command is used to monitor and list all opend files and process. It includes opened files, sockets, devices, pipes, processes. You can check out these lsof commands for further referance.
# lsof

4). Netstat command : This command is used to monitor incoming and outgoing network packets statistics. Also used to monitor interface statistics.
# netstat -a | more

5). Tcpdump command : This commmand is used to filter TCP/IP packets that are transmitted over a network.
# tcpdump -i eth1

6). Htop command : It is third party tool which provide an user friendly interface to monitor linux processes. You have to install it using YUM package if you need to use it.
# htop

7). IOtop command : This command is used to display real time I/O processes. It is very useful to find the process which is using very high disk read/writes.
# iotop

There are many more tools available in market through which you can monitor your system performance like (monit, nethogs, iftop, monitorix, arpwatch, suricata, vnstat, nagios, nmon, collectl and many more).
You can sipmly install these and use them accordingly.
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