How to enable AWStats in cPanel ?

How to enable AWStats in cPanel ?


cPanel is an online web hosting control panel that provides graphical interface and automation tools used to simplify website hosting process. cPanel has GUI, command line and API based access. It functions as a dedicated server or virtual private server. cPanel uses three-tier structure that provide abilities for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners.


AWStats (Advanced Web Statistics) is a powerful website analytics reporting tool build in Perl programming language that is used to analyse data from web, streaming media, mail and FTP server statistics. . It is an open source tool and available for free. AWSats allows the user to access data from AWStats software that compiles the information how the user access the website. AWStats is a free software of GNU General Public License. The log analyser/ identifier work from command line and shows all the possible information your log contains in graphical web pages. It processes large log files quickly and often with partial details. Addition to command line, AWStats also work with web hosting providers that allows Perl, CGI and log access. AWStats supports major web servers like Apache, WebStar, IIS, and many other web, wap, proxy, streaming servers, ftp servers and mail servers. It is a tool for network administrators and marketers. In AWStats users can be based on IP address and user agent All the information is owned by the user and it is stored on the server.

Requirements of AWStats:
  • For using AWStats one should have the following requirements,
  • The server must have log web access in a log file that you can read.
  • You must have allowed running per scripts that is .pl files from command line or as CGI.
AWStats displays Browser details, HTTP error codes, details of operating system, Countries of origin and the links through which the visitors. All the details are displayed in graphs and tables and it is divided into daily, monthly and yearly averages. It is compatible with any web servers and it can be used to access file transfer stats, visitor information and web traffic.

Features of AWStats:
  • Apache log file analyser
  • Mail log file analyser
  • FTP log file analyser
  • Html static or dynamic reporting
  • Can process splitted log file for clusters
  • High speed
  • High log format size
  • Can be enhanced by plugins
How to Enable AWStats in WHM:

  • Login into WHM (Webhost Manager) as a root. Open a browser and type the link https://ServerIP:2087 to access WHM. In the cPanel Server the ServerIP has to be replaced with IP address of your cPanel Server. Username and server root password has to be entered to access WHM.

  • Go to Server configuration.

  • Click Tweak Settings then select ‘Stats Programs’ tab.

  • Select radio button ‘On’ for ‘Enable Awstats stats’ and then click Save Button.

  • After that if you want to allow it for all your cpanel users then enable this option "Allow all users to change their web statistics generating software". So that they can check awstats in cpanel. You can allow it through:
Home >> Server Configuration >> Statistics Software Configuration in WHM


Enabling AWStats Using Configuration File:

One can enable AWStats tool using configuration file by following the steps below,

1. Login through SSH as root.

cd /home/username/tmp/awstats.
2. Go to will be the domain name.

grep AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser
3. It should be set to AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=1

4. If it is not set to 1, edit the file and save.

5. Then restart cpanel to enable Awstats.
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