How to fix cPanel corrupted files of user data?

How to fix cPanel corrupted files of user data?

You may come across the situation to fix the corrupted user data files in cPanel. It would happen more while operating or migrating the account of cPanel. Using the HTTP.conf server file, you can easily handle the situation to get back your user data from the corrupted mode.

In this article, let us start to fix this problem immediately:

Step 1:
Go to the cPanel or WHM account and use the credentials such as username and password as the root user.

Step 2: It’s time to locate the file “/var/cpanel”. Find whether the presence of the userdata directory is on the server or not.

Step 3: If you still didn’t find the directory of userdata then rename or move with the help of command “mv”.

Here’s the example:

mv /var/cpanel/userdata /var/cpanel/userdata_backup
Step 4: Use the below-mentioned command “mkdir” for creating directory of userdata.

mkdir /var/cpanel/userdata
Step 5: By now, you have created the userdata directory. Do script running with the –reset flag and userdata_update.

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/userdata_update –reset
Note: This will automatically get hosted in all accounts of cPanel.

Step 6: By running the above-mentioned command, you can allot permission for userdata that has been generated recently.

Step 7: Along with the permission allotment go with the system cache update too. Use the command for working in the system cache.

Step 8: Now, it is not that easy task to use newly build userdata here. All you need to do is work on apace configuration rebuild too!

Step 9: Use below command to restart the apache service. That’s it!
I Hope, these 9 steps will help you to create a new set of userdata files!
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