How to mount USB in Linux CentOS server ?

How to mount USB in Linux CentOS server ?

In today's world mostly people use USB flash memories for data transfer and storage. CD's and floppies are almost past now. USB Flash memories are compact and store more data with respect to CD's and Floppies. New Linux users find it difficult to use USB devices in Linux systems. The real problem they face is how it really works.

Now let start with creating a mount point, so that we can mount USB on that.

1). First, you have to login as root in SSH.

2). Create a mount point in system :
# mkdir -p /mntdev/hoststud

3). Now to mount USB device on it run this command :
# mount /dev/sda1 /mntdev/hoststud

4). Not to use and view the files in USB mount device run this command :
# cd /mntdev/hoststud
# ls –l


5). You can copy files and folder from mounted device through this command :
# cp –v /home/hoststud/*.c /mntdev/hoststud

6) To format USB device as Linux ext3 partitions :
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1

7). You can operate many opertaions like rm, rmdir, dmesg, fsck, mv etc.
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