Mail is an email client with the operation system macOs, iOS and others given by Apple Inc. Some email clients has a default setting to download the messages of the mail on the server. Settings on the email client is modified to keep the copy of the mail on the server. If multiple user access the same email account the settings has to be changed by the user. If multiple computer are used for accessing the same mail account, the computer settings has to be changed.

In Apple Mail application, it is possible to have a copy of the mail onto the server after they read it. Following instructions are used to do the process.

OSX 10.3 Panther of Mac Mail:

Mac Mail OSX 10.4 Tiger has single-message-per-file format which is used to permit spotlight indexing.
  • Open Apple OSX 10.3 Panther
  • In the tab Mail, select the Preference option.
  • Select the account that has to be edited.
  • Click the Tab called Advanced.
  • Find the Remove copy from the server after retrieving the message option and update it. From here email can be removed on the server after a few days use deleted option from deleted items in the outlook to remove the mail from the server. Now the mail can leave a copy in the server.
  • Click OK.
The same instructions are followed in Apple OSX 10.4 Tiger to have a copy of the mail in the server.

OSX 10.5 Leopard of Mac Mail:

Mac OS X Leopard are handled in HTML format including personalized stationary.
  • Open OSX 10.5 Leopard
  • In the tab called Mail, click the Preference option.
  • Select the account that has to be edited.
  • Click the tab Advanced.
  • Find the Remove copy from the server after retrieving the message option and update it. From here email can be removed on the server after a few days or use deleted option from deleted items in the outlook to remove the mail from the server. Now the mail leave a copy in the server.
  • Click OK.
Microsoft Outlook 2011 for Mac:
  • Open Microsoft Outlook 2011.
  • Click the Tools and select the option of Accounts.
  • Select the account to edit.
  • Go to the Advanced tab. From where email can be removed in the server after a few days or use deleted option from deleted items in the outlook to remove the mail from the server. Now the mail leave a copy in the server.
  • Click OK and then Click Close.
  • Open Entourage.
  • In the menu of Tools, select the Accounts option.
  • Open Mail tab and click the account. You can also double-click it to edit the account and then click Edit.
  • Click the Option tab.
  • In the Server Option, select the Leave a copy of each message on the server option and update it. Now the mail leave a copy on the server.
  • Click OK.
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