What is the procedure to recalculate statistics for a domain using plesk?

What is the procedure to recalculate statistics for a domain using plesk?

Plesk has a maintenance scheduled to be carried out at daily instances. It simply recalculates the statistics which takes place daily as the main part of the Plesk execution. If you are changing the statistics terms and relations, then you can see the result by next day rather than on the same day. It just makes a simple logic to recalculate statistics depending upon the operating system and server spot.

In Plesk, you can run the script for recalculating the statistics manually or automatically. But, here for recalculating statistics you have to run the script manually.

Especially by running on the CENTOS, just use the path file as:

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics --help
Usage: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics [ options]
--calculate-all -Domain statistics calculation
--calculate-one -<domain-name> statistics calculation
--domain-name|-d <string>
--calculate-list - listed domains statistics calculaiton
--generate-all-webstat- web-statistics pages generation for domains
--generate-domain-webstat- web-statistics pages generation<domain-name>
--domain-names|-n <string>- comma separated between list of domains
--domain-ids|-i<string>- comma separated between list of domain ID’s
--process-domains|-p <string>- Calculate statistics for <domain-name>
--all - Calculate all aspects of statistics
--antivirus - Calculate antivirus and antispam statistics
--no-webstat- Do not generate web-statistics pages (always set for PPA mode or Windows)
--help|-h - display this help and exit
If no options specified - calculate statistics for all domains

Let us see how to recalculate statistics using Linux operating :

Step 1: Open the Plesk and search for the menu tools & settings. Choose the option scheduled task.

Step 2: On the scheduled task, click on the option add task. You will be notified with the command field. There types the below code

/usr/local/psa/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/script.php -fExecuteStatistics
On that screen, choose the task type as run as command. You can schedule the task to run daily or by weekly as per your choice. Choose the system user as root and enter the information in description. After entering all the details click on the button run now.

That’s it for Linux operating system. Keep it wise at all times.

Method 2: It’s the time to recalculate for Window’s server:

Step 1: Open the Plesk and choose the Tools & setting option. After selecting the tools & settings, choose the option called Scheduled task.

Step 2: To run manually, search for the daily script task using the command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Plesk\admin\engine\php.exe -q "C:\Program Files(x86)\Plesk\admin\plib\DailyMaintainance\script.php"
Step 3: After typing the command line click on the option run now.

Finally, we have recalculated all the statistics regularly via Plesk.
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